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Launched in 2019, the Australian Grain Sustainability Framework (GSF), is intended to serve as an instrument for strengthening the sustainability of the Australian grain industry.

Through sustainability reporting, the GSF will demonstrate the grain industry’s commitment to continuous improvement, elevate the global standing of Australian grain and advance market potential for Australian growers.

The role of the Grain Sustainability Framework is to:

  • define sustainable grain production in the Australian context
  • use defensible data to report national grain industry performance against key sustainability measures
  • monitor, analyse and flag performance trends over time
  • showcase strengths and highlight progress
  • identify areas in need of investment for ongoing improvement

The GSF will meet the growing requirements for transparent and standardised reporting, driven by escalating customer demand, forthcoming disclosure mandates and the ongoing need to mitigate capital risk.

Further, reporting of sector performance and demonstrating ongoing improvement will help protect and grow the customer base for Australian grains and support advancements in trade and market access.

Governance and ownership

Governance has been revised to embrace a strong collaborative model. GrainGrowers and Grain Producers Australia (GPA) jointly oversee and take responsibility for the GSF, with leadership provided from the independent chair. A representative from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) serves as an observer, offering information and advice where necessary to facilitate decision making.

Strategic stakeholder engagement is a key feature of the GSF, capturing stakeholder perspectives through review, discussion evaluation and feedback on relevant topics. The newly revised and updated approach marks an exciting development, signalling a revitalised perspective on sustainability for the Australian grains industry.

Please stay tuned for further announcements on progress and initiatives.